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Challenge update

July 24th, 2007 at 09:44 pm

I did shopping today to get all the good deals. I did pretty good today. At Publix I saved 6.38. The items I bought at CVS retailed for over $50 and I only paid 2.92...half of which was tax. Then Walgreens I saved $11.81. This is a total of $66 in savings.

I haven't been getting many surveys from pinecone lately and I'm a little concerned about that. I used to get surveys every week if not more frequently. Maybe I'll ask them about it. Another one of my survey sites seems to be doing pretty well though with about $20/month.

New additions: $ 66.00
Previous total: $632.04
Total, since 4/15: $698.04

3 Responses to “Challenge update”

  1. Aleta Says:

    Ive noticed that Pinecone has been slow as well.

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    Pinecone has been really slow with me, too, but I did get an email from them yesterday reviewing their confidentiality contract. If you got one, follow the link and do the I AGREE thing. When I've done that before it seems to have jump-started them again.

  3. Aleta Says:

    I received one of those too LuckyRobin. Hope that you are right about the jump-starting.

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