How it paid to go to Lowe's everyday
August 5th, 2009 at 03:44 pmSo DH and I closed on our house a week and a half ago. Since that day we have gone to Lowe's nearly everyday...I think I've only missed 2 of the last 12 days.
Thankfully most have just been little trips for paint and brushes. However one of those trips was a big weekend where we purchased all new appliances for the house. The house was 20 years old, and had mostly original appliances with no washer/dryer. We shopped well: went during the weekend where they had 10% off energy star appliances, a rebate on Samsung kitchen appliances, and used our 10% military discount. All in all, much worse than it could have been, besides we can take the washer, dryer and fridge with us when we go if we want!
DH made a little fuss about buying washer dryer pedestals. I think I'd like the extra height so I don't have to bend down so low to get to the front loaders. (Yes, I know you have to bend down for top loaders, but hey, it was my one sticking point. I offered that DH could do all the laundry if he didn't want to spend the money, but if I was doing laundry, I'd like the pedestals.)
Then the next day I just happened to wander back by the appliance section mentally I'd just checked off the appliance section, so wasn't even planning on going to that part of the store. I notice a sign that said if you buy any Samsung washer/dryer you get the pedestals for free, starting on Thursday...and we had purchased our appliances on Saturday. I was pretty sure that we were charged $200 a pedestal, so I talked to the appliance guy and he verified that the washer/dryer we bought would qualify. He said to check the receipt to see if we were charged, and if we were to bring it back.
Lo and behold, we were charged, so on my next daily trip to Lowe's I brought my receipt and was refunded the nearly $400. In addition to the money DH now can't complain about purchasing the pedestals...they were free!